New Governance Models: Exploring Next Generation Governance Models
September 10-11, 2010
The Next Generation Governance Models workshop built upon the O’Reilly Gov 2.0 Summit by continuing the conversation on the future of public and private governance in the digital world.
Three key themes emerged:
- Identify areas in government where there exists both a need and a potential for data-driven, interoperable, and transparent next generation governance models.
- A discussion of core components of such new models, including: reputation, identity, security systems, mechanisms for private law setting, creation of scalable groups, and digital institutions.
- Consideration of how these concepts might be applied to a new generation of governance models via sector-specific use cases, such as new finance mechanisms, new applications to facilitate private enterprise, and new opportunities for crowdsourced online dispute resolution in public participatory platforms.
Video. . . soon to play. . .
New Governance Models: keynote video
Video. . . soon to play. . .
New Governance Models: compilation video