New Governance Models

A cross-cutting research lens
The range of activities at the Law Lab often cuts across several interrelated research topics. Through the New Governance Models section, the Law Lab aims to provide a space in which these interrelated topics can be explored together, with work in one area supporting advances in another. Within this project area, we will draw on multiple research tracks, including findings from our Open Governance Platform work, Cooperation Project, Digital LLC, and other topics. A principle objective is to consider how such platforms and tools may support and deepen our understanding of how emerging mechanisms in the online space can strengthen new digital models for governance.
In order to facilitate this complimentary and collaborative workspace, the Law Lab hosts a number of workshops in a variety of fields from venture finance to business formation to working relationships. Most recently, the Law Lab has focused on two areas for increased collaboration:
Cloud Computing - Launched a Working Series on Legal and Regulatory Issues related to Cloud Computing as an enabler of entrepreneurship with the goal to develop best practice approaches at the intersection of law, economics, and technology.
Online Dispute Resolution - Hosting workshops on crowdsourced online dispute resolution (cODR) in the broader contexts of public policy debates, online cooperation, digital institutions, and initiatives in open government.